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Miracles At Mount Sinai: Breaking Of The Seals

Benai Emunah Institute
Miracles At Mount Sinai: Seals Are Broken


Miracles At Mount Sinai: Breaking Of The Seals is part IV of continuing the testimony of my visit to Mount Sinai in March 2023 and the events following. The first of these testimonies begins in Miracles At Mount Sinai: The CovenantPart II is Miracles At Mount Sinai: The Healing. And Part III is Miracles At Mount Sinai: Prophesy Unfolding.

Miracles At Mount Sinai

The Storm Began To Brew
The Storm Began To Brew

In my blog, Miracles at Mount Sinai: Prophesy Unfolding, I reveal important miracles happening at Mount Sinai today. I share messages from various teachers and experts about the sighting of the new moon and the importance of the second Hebrew Calendar month. In fact, the miracles happening at Mount Sinai are profound and reason enough to be on high alert for these end-of-days events. These are miracles we cannot ignore! Additionally, if we consider other details provided by Steve Moutria and Devorah Gordon, we may have something even more profound happening right before our eyes.

27th Day Of the Second New Moon

Hebrew Calendar Dates

First, consider a teaching by Steve Moutria. Steve presents strong reasoning why he believes the timing of the breaking of the Seals of Revelation could be on the 27th day of the second month.1 Steve argues that in between the second Passover and the first day of the third month are dates for a number of important events which require close monitoring. Could this be true? Only time will tell.

The Wrong Calendar?

Second, consider also newsletters by Devorah’s Date Tree. Devorah’s Date Tree organizes New Moon Observations and Barley Inspections in the Land of Israel, importantly pointing out that we may be observing the wrong calendar.2 Devorah Gordon is a well-known and trusted authority, observing and sighting the crescent New Moon and participating in Barley Inspections for over 25 years.

Seals Broken?

If Devorah Gordon is correct, then the period of time beginning at sundown, Thursday, June 15, 2023 through sundown, Friday, June 16, 2023 will be the 27th day of the second month. Additionally, if Steve Moutria’s reasoning is correct, this could be the day the Seals are broken.

What Did He Say?

Additinally, I find it interesting that on Monday, June 12, 2023, former President Donald J. Trump wrote on Truth Social, “Now that the Seal is broken… .”3 This one small statement seemed to ignite a flurry of tweets and social media postings from a large number of individuals about seals being broken, including by followers of the Q prophesies. Several individuals recounted a prophesy from April 2018 about the seals being broken. Although I am not a Q follower, nor a supporter of Q, I find the flurry of messages interesting. Additionally, Gateway Pundit covered former President Trump’s story and continued with this cryptic message, saying, “the seals are broken.”4

Keep Watch

Keep watch during these end of days!

Therefore, notwithstanding President Trump’s statement or past Q prophesies, the 27th day of the second month is a time to be prayerful, to seek Yehovah’s guidance. Are these events coincidental? The judging of that I leave to you.

However, the Miracles At Mount Sinai: Breaking Of The Seals could be an insight to the days we face ahead. And if this is not the year of the Seals being broken, whatever the date Yehovah has chosen; we look to the year following. Yehovah knows His timing! – we simply trust in Him.

1 Steve Moutria. YouTube Video:

2 Devorah Gordon. Devorah’s Date Tree. Newsletter: Newsletter: 💯 What About All The Rain (🌾 When Should We Begin This Year (

3 Trump, Donald J. Truth Social. Website:

4 Gateway Pundit. Website:

About The Author
Benai Emunah Institute

All articles published by Benai Emunah Institute are either compliations or anonnymous articles submitted for publishing

4 responses to “Miracles At Mount Sinai: Breaking Of The Seals”

  1. Nancy Jo Cleaver says:

    I stumbled onto this page by what I feel truly was a Divine Appointment for today is June 15, 2023!!
    There are no coincidences. That word does NOT exist in the Hebrew language. I am speechless.

    • Janice Baca says:

      There are no coincidences, dear sister. I pray you are blessed by the divine messages the Heavenly Father is giving His people.
      And, standby, more is about to be released!

      Shalom, Janice

  2. Travis Keeton says:

    The revelation 12 star sign happened on Yom teruah of 2017. We are given 7 years til the end. Yom kippur 2024 you are spot on about the 27th day of the second month. Elohim revealed the second pesach and shavuot as pivotal to the last moadim. This year will be eventful. Shalom

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