Where is your fullness of joy? Yeshua said that he desires his fullness of joy to be within us. Therefore, consider the following verse:
“That my joy be in you, and your joy may be filled.” John 15:11b1
Since Yeshua desires his joy within us, and Isaiah 55:11 says our God’s (Elohim’s) word will not return to him void but will accomplish what it was sent to do, then we should expect his word will come to pass in our lives.
Complete Joy Requires Answered Prayers
But did you know that Yeshua gave instructions as to how the fullness of joy would be completed in his followers? In fact, he gave a hint of a blessing that brings the fullness of joy. Consider the following verse in John 16:24,
“Until now, you have not asked for anything from me. Ask, and it is given to you in order that your joy is complete,” John 16:24. (emphasis mine)
Wait! Did you see it? Yeshua said to ask, then you shall receive, and then your joy is complete! So, the completeness of joy is dependent upon your receiving answered prayers, the joy Yeshua said he desires to be within you!
Also, keep in mind, we are not to ask according to our lustful desires but according to his desire (1 John 5:14-15). Therefore, what are some of his desires for you? He desires your healing, deliverance, and he desires you to know Yeshua as your Redeemer.
Ask, Seek, Knock
Also consider Matthew 7:7-11, Yeshua said when we ask, we shall receive.
“Ask and it shall be given to you, seek and you shall find, knock and it shall be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it shall be opened. Or is there a man among you who, if his son asks for bread, shall give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish, shall he give him a snake? If you then, being wicked, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more shall your Father who is in the heavens give what is good to those who ask Him!” TS2009 Matthew 7:7-11.
Matthew 7:7-11 is a translation of the Greek. However, I want you to consider the Hebrew Matthew from the Cambridge Cochin manuscripts.
וכל מי ששאל לקח וכל מי שבקש מצא וכל מי שנקש נפתח
“And everyone/all who asks, receives, and everyone/all who seeks* finds, and everyone/all who knocks it is opened,”1 Matthew 7:8
*Note: בקש (bakesh) is an imperative, meaning “to seek to find”, “require,” “desire,” “exact,” “request,” “inquire,” “demands.”
Three times Yeshua said, וכל, וכל, וכל (vekol, vekol, vekol). Each time Yeshua is saying, “and all,” “and all,” “and all.” This is better translated “and everyone.”
Pray, Pray, and Pray Some More
Brothers and sisters, where is your fullness of joy? Are you asking? Second, are you asking according to his promises specified in his word? Third, are you spending time in prayer? Or is your prayer time a 15-minute commute to work? I encourage you to put emphasis on prayer while asking, seeking, and knocking. Read scripture aloud during prayer and remind Yehovah of his word (Isa 43:26). Our God (Elohim) desires a relationship with his children.2 Also remember, the fullness of joy Yeshua desires to be in us comes with Yehovah granting prayer requests. However, if you are not asking, you may not receive. So, be encouraged and boldly ask so Yeshua’s joy is complete in you through your answered prayers! Time is running out, and Yeshua is coming sooner than you think!3
1 Quotations of the verses are taken from the Benai Emunah Team translation of the Cambridge Gaster 1616 and Cochin Oo.16.2 manuscripts, collectively referred to as the Cochin manuscript, currently unpublished.
2 God desires a relationship with us. website: openbible.info. Link: What Does the Bible Say About God Desires A Relationship With Us? (openbible.info)
3 Yeshua Is Coming Sooner Than You Think! by Janice F. Baca. Benai Emunah Institute. Link: Yeshua Is Coming Sooner Than You Think! – Benai Emunah – Benai Emunah (writingofgod.com)
God bless you Janice for such an amazing reminder to be more diligent in our seeking the truly important issues in life.
His Heart, His Truth, His Love, His Face, His Way brings us the greatest & purest Joy &
A heart full of Gratitude as He leads us into
Discoveting Our Purpose. We must not hesitate to ask Big & to Him goes all the Glory!
Amen, Renae! The key to knowing Him and His will is to know His word. Blessings to you! Janice